ReC designs, develops, manufactures, and commercializes innovative medical devices for the assessment of the neuromuscular system.
The company has a strong research-oriented focus, grounding its activity on the leading technological and scientific experience of the Laboratory for Engineering of the Neuromuscular System (LISiN), Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy.
MEACS is our first CE-marked medical device: a miniaturized, modular, and wireless HD-sEMG acquisition system for studying central and peripheral properties of the neuromuscular system in various contexts.
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System architecture
MEACS is composed by 32-channel modules. Up to four modules can be used to acquire HD-sEMG and EEG signals sampled at 2048 sps with 16-bit resolution.
Ready for outdoor experiments
The unique system architecture makes possible to acquire signals in outdoor, highly-dynamic and naturalistic conditions.
Under-sample synchronization
MEACS can be synchronized with third-party devices mantaining under-sample synchronization.
High-quality signals
Being a battery-powered and a miniaturized floating device, MEACS offers high-degree rejection of Power Line Interference.
No connecting cables
The electrode grids connect directly to the MEACS probe avoiding the need of connecting cables. This feature eliminates the triboelectric noise due to cable movements and minimizes movement artifacts.
Robustness to movement artifacts
The high-degree of miniaturization, the absence of connecting cables and a unique electronic design allow to have unmatched performance in terms of rejection of movement artifacts.
The unique features of MEACS make it suitable for various fields of application, from basic neurophysiological research to sports.